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Let’s uncover and showcase manopause, the male menopause, with Elissa Scott, founder of The T Lady – Menopause Tea.

As we know, perimenopause, menopause and post menopause affect women all over the world during their lifetime, but guess what, men need special care in mid-life too! I’m not just referring to having to live and deal with us menopausal women. Men’s bodies undergo the change stage too in mid to later life!  Some people call it “mid-life crisis” but it’s more commonly these days documented and known as manopause!

So what is manopause?

Manopause affects men; it can be best described as the progressive reduction of the male hormone testosterone resulting in symptoms that can affect their quality of life in many ways, including lower sex drive, during the ages 40 to 70 years old.

I can hear some women cheering at this as they feel it’s only fair that their partners go through the change too whilst they face a reduction in their own sex drive and are having to deal with vaginal dryness amongst many other symptoms; all part of the wonderful menopause journey.

What are the symptoms of manopause or male menopause?
  • Loss of muscle and muscle tone
  • Increased body fat around the belly area (no more 6 packs, it’s now hidden)
  • Lack of energy and lower sex drive
  • Mood swings (emotional changes)
  • Feeling weak, fatigued, loss of motivation
  • Depression
  • Difficulty sleeping 
What can be done to help men?

Making an appointment with your doctor is a good way to start. A quick blood test will reveal testosterone levels, and depending on the outcome of your levels you can be prescribed the best testosterone replacement, often as a gel, patch or injections.  

There are natural ways to alleviate symptoms 

Implement natural improvements into your daily life with the following:

  • Strengthening type exercises
  • Improving and balancing your diet by introducing foods rich in minerals and vitamins into your body is important. Try adding avocados, mushrooms, potatoes, tuna, almonds, blueberries to list a few
  • Limit processed foods
  • Avoid alcohol 
  • Drink more water with lemon for its cleansing properties
  • A good night’s sleep and time spent outside in the sun to top up your vitamin D intake
What can help alleviate symptoms such as hot flushes?

Elissa Scott created The T Lady – Menopause Tea, or the Hot Flush Tea (which consists of 5 top recommended herbs for Menopause) back in 2016 with her Innovation Patent. Elissa wanted to offer a natural alternative for women in a chemically driven world, and to support Ovarian Cancer research at the same time.  

The T Lady’s – Menopause Tea is a true community affair, starting with her local tea makers to the independent tea packers.  The tea packers have been given chances of employment; having suffered with long term mental health issues, homelessness or domestic violence and now the disabled in wheelchairs are joining the family and packing the tea!

So while Elissa has been busy selling her Menopause Tea – (a certified organic caffeine free herbal tea to women worldwide), she also came across concerned MEN from all age groups.  These men would tell her Elissa that they knew nothing about Menopause and what it was!  

When asked about manopause they replied they didn’t know that the male menopause even existed?  Isn’t it a mid life crisis I’m going through?

Elissa realised then men didn’t have the emotional tools or education on how to deal, cope and assist their partners with their mood swings and 40 other menopause symptoms!  They were confused, felt hopeless and wanted to support but didn’t know how!

So there is light at the end of the tunnel couples….Elissa is thrilled to hear and see a turnaround not only with women drinking the tea but wives are serving their cranky husbands a cuppa of Menopause Tea, opening up the discussions of menopause, telling them about manopause and working together to get a good night’s sleep!

“Be prepared to be amazed! Most people experience fantastic results with my tea” – Elissa

Here is Gary’s testimonial, his friend Peter bought him some tea to alleviate the hot flushes and sleepless nights whilst going through Prostrate Cancer.

Tea 4 Two xox!

You can follow Elissa on Instagram @menopauset

Or email her: menopauset@gmail.com

Website: www.menopauset.com

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