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Have you heard of the Breathing Space in mindfulness meditation? It is a three-step meditation that you can do in less than a minute, or you can take your time exploring every stage, making it last ten minutes or longer. It is a useful way for arriving in the present moment and finding calmness and clarity.

The Breathing Space is about taking a few moments to check-in with yourself and fully arrive where you are, instead of being in the past or the future with your thoughts and feelings. When you are here, now, you are fully present, and everything is fine. Imagine you are going to make a phone call to someone you are upset with, or you are irritated about something and need to deal with it, and your mind is agitated rather than calm. This is where a quick Breathing Space meditation comes in handy, helping you to get into the present moment and a state of calmness.

Here is how it works:

The first step of the meditation is to acknowledge the thought(s), emotion(s) and body sensation(s) that are present for you in that moment, each of these separately. At this point, no need to make a story out of the thought that is present, no need to judge yourself for how you are feeling, and no need to change the sensation in your body if any sensation is present for you.

The second step is to gather your attention to your breath. You are now narrowing your attention to the breath moving in and out of your body. At this point, it is normal for the mind to slip into a chain of thoughts. However, as soon as you notice that your mind has gone somewhere else, just acknowledging where it went, and then bringing your focus back to your breath coming in, going out.

The third and final step involves expanding your attention to your whole body breathing. Here, in addition to being aware of your breath, also now noticing slight movements your body is making as you are breathing in and out, such as the lifting and falling of your shoulders, chest or belly. Staying here for some time, and then, when you are ready, ending the meditation.

Coming out of the Breathing Space, most people find themselves in a very different place than where they were just before – they find themselves in the present moment! With a calmer mind, and in a much wiser place to act from. Such a powerful meditation that you can do wherever you are.

Interested in learning more about how mindfulness meditation can support you in your daily life? Sign up now for Annette’s weekly mindfulness sessions that are starting up beginning of January 2020. In addition to guided meditations, there will be discussions about the foundations of mindfulness practice and how to cultivate awareness. No previous experience in mindfulness meditation is needed to participate. The overall aim is to offer you a space to Pause and Breathe.

First session starts: Tuesday 7th January

Time: Tuesdays 7-8pm

Place: Off Copse Hill, SW20

Cost: £15 per session

Annette’s weekly drop-in Mindfulness sessions are a breath of fresh air and I always leave feeling a combination of both calmer and more uplifted. Annette’s sessions help me see and feel things in a lighter, brighter way.” Claudia, Fulham

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