Are you finally ready to turn your life around and lose the weight that’s been getting you down? Most people who are overweight want to change their appearance and enjoy better health. In other words, they want to shed the pounds and get that toned physique that makes them feel and look most confident. Yes, fitness journeys aren’t easy.
Reaching your weight goals can take a lot of energy, time and dedication. But, something you do know is that this transformation will be worth it.
There’s one thing many people worry about when they’ve got a lot of weight to lose. We’re talking about the loose skin that can appear on the arms, thighs and around the stomach area. You might have seen this on others and are concerned it’ll be something new to feel self-conscious about. Here’s a guide that can help you learn more about why this happens and what you can do about it.

What Causes Loose Skin?
What most people don’t realize is that skin is elastic, which allows it to stretch to cover fat accumulating on the body. Therefore, when you’re gaining weight over the years, the skin expands and allows for this. However, when you go through a rapid weight loss journey, you’re going to be burning this fat away. Sometimes, the skin can’t adjust as easily as it did before, meaning it doesn’t shrink back down to its original shape. Indeed, this is why loose skin accumulates and can start to sag.
Note that not everybody will suffer from loose skin after weight loss. There are various factors that play a part in what your body will look like. Namely, it can depend on the amount of weight you’ve lost, what age you are and what your genetics say about this situation.
How to Hide Sagging Skin
If you already have some loose skin, this doesn’t mean that you should lose heart and stall your weight loss journey. There are ways you can hide it and regain your confidence. Surgical procedures can be expensive, but they’re not the only solution for sagging skin. For example, many men wear compression shirts in order to achieve a more toned.
The firm materials used conceal loose skin and tighten the belly area. These garments can also help improve your posture and avoid slouching, which can make troublesome areas appear worse. Check out if you want to learn more about compression shirts and how they can conceal your insecurities.
Can You Minimise Loose Skin?
Unfortunately, you can’t always predict whether you’re going to suffer from sagging skin until you lose the weight. However, there are tactics you can use to minimize the risk. Let’s take a look at what they are.
Go Gradually
Most experts tell you to take your weight loss journey slow. There are many factors for this, including staying consistent and not faltering with your diet. If you go too hard all at once, you can burn out. However, it can also help to minimize loose skin. If you’re going at a steady pace with burning fat, it can allow your skin to adapt better. So, while it can be tempting to go on a crazy diet, this rapid weight loss can leave the skin in shock, leading to looseness.
Build Muscle
Are you working on cardio to complement your calorie-deficit meal plan? Yes, this is a good way to burn calories. However, you also have to consider how your body will adapt. Indeed, you want to create workouts that are going to help fill where you’ve lost fat and help the appearance of the skin. You should add strength training into the mix, ensuring you’re building muscle along the way.
Watch Your Diet
Your diet must be adjusted in order to lose weight, and most experts agree it’s more important than your fitness routine. The foods you consume can also impact the appearance and responsiveness of your skin. You want to ensure that you’re consuming food that encourages collagen and elastin production. In addition, hydration is important for appearance, which means drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Therefore, watching your diet can ensure that the skin is getting all the nutrients it needs to be plump and elasticated.
When you dramatically drop the pounds, this can increase your risk of developing sagging skin. While there are other factors at play, including your age, genetics and body fat percentage, there are some things that you can do to feel better about yourself. For instance, compression shirts are growing in popularity due to the sleek and toned look you can achieve.
The firm materials hold loose skin in place, which can minimise its appearance. If you’re still on your weight loss journey, there are tactics you can use to avoid this situation. Namely, you can aim for gradual and small weight loss goals. You can also add strength training for a better physique and to ‘fill the void.’ A good diet is crucial for health and wellness, and this includes promoting healthy skin.
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