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As we finally get a chance to enjoy a warm British summer, it’s important to keep safe in this heat.

If you’re looking to soak up the sun and keep fit during the warmer months it’s vital that you follow these tips from experts at Live Football Tickets. They have advised on how to stay safe whilst exercising in the heat this summer.

Six tips to stay safe during a summer workout:

Pre-cool yourself 

One way to prevent overheating is dedicating some time before working out to do some pre-cooling techniques. Supported by research, pre-cooled athletes can perform at higher intensities for longer periods of time without experiencing heat-related implications.

This lowers the body’s core temperature before activity, in turn improving performance and endurance.  

This strategy may involve using ice vests, freezing cold drinks or putting yourself in a cold environment such as a cold shower, which helps to reduce the fast rise in body temperature that occurs during strenuous activity in the heat. 

Keep your head covered

Sun hats aren’t just for protecting you from the sun’s rays, they are key to regulating your body’s temperature. The head is one of the hottest parts of your body, therefore protecting it is a great way to manage overheating. 

Mission cooling hats, have a superior effect on reducing body temperature on hotter days, perfect for an outdoor workout.

Seize the day – or night

Timing your workouts to stay cool is a must. Working out in the early morning, or later in the evening means you’ll avoid the hottest parts of the day.

Kieran Sheridan, certified fitness expert and physio has provided further insight: “Avoid working out between 10 am to 3pm because the sun is likely the harshest during this window, giving a heightened risk of dehydration. It will also reduce your workout time since you will get tired faster than your intended exercise length, affecting your performance”

By appropriately timing your fitness routines, you can enhance your performance and endurance as heat stress will be minimised.

Choose your clothing wisely

Wearing baggy clothing and items made of sweat wicking material helps to keep you cool. 

Sweat wicking fabrics pull sweat away from your skin, allowing quicker evaporation which regulates the body’s temperature. Also, by wearing baggy clothing air circulation is improved, preventing heat from being trapped, creating a cooling effect.

By being mindful of your clothing choices, you can feel more comfortable during high temperatures. Depending on the sun’s intensity, wearing lighter colours will also be beneficial, considering darker colours absorb more radiant energy.

Be aware of the signs

It is essential to be aware of the signs of heat related illnesses, so they can be identified in yourself or others.

Less common signs of heatstroke may be mistakenly attributed to other things, such as fast breathing, cramping in the body, and nausea. By knowing all the potential signs, more serious implications can be prevented from developing.

One effective way of cooling the body fast if symptoms are present is by running cool water, or applying a cold item to pulse points. 

James Cunningham, health and fitness expert suggests: “consider using a cooling towel or bandana to help keep your head and neck cold. You can even wear a cooling scarf or armband to keep your pulse points cool

It’s also very important to listen to your body and take regular breaks when working out in the heat. If you start feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or experiencing muscle cramps, stop immediately and seek shade or air-conditioning. Remember, it’s not worth pushing yourself too hard and risking heat-related illnesses”

Split your sessions, or relocate

Another top tip to avoid getting too hot is by breaking down your exercise into smaller intervals. For example, if you usually run for an hour a day, try going for two 30 minute jogs instead. This gives your body a chance to recover in between, rather than over stressing it. 

Generally, public gyms are well air conditioned, so this is a great alternative if you’d prefer to stick to your normal routine length and the facilities support your desired activity, although swapping in activities such as swimming may be beneficial on the hottest days. 

Sheridan adds to this: “I would advise doing indoor exercises or swimming to reduce the chances of heat stroke and dehydration when working out in hot temperatures. Swimming is a basic full-body workout because it helps with muscle strength and cardio. It is also easy on the joints which allows anyone to do it”

Follow these six simple tips to keep fit, whilst this lovely weather lasts.

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