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The update with tried & tested holistic therapies for cancer

It’s been a long 10 months since I had my last CT scan and results. They want to limit exposure to radiation. Living with cancer is a waiting game and something I have found in my experience, has so much to do with the ‘inner’ life.

In the beginning when I went to see my lovely Chinese acupuncturist, Dr Li, he said to me ‘Don’t focus on having cancer, forget about it and get on with life’. Easier said than done and on the surface, it seemed like superficial advice, but actually, I have been trying to do that ever since and just get on with it.

I’m very lucky so far that I don’t have any pain and thanks to my Marsden treatment, taking loads of supplements under supervision, my daily routine on my PEMF (pulsed magnetic field mat) and exercise (having fun with padel and tennis, of course – fun is such an important component in keeping mentally strong), I’ve managed to keep my body strong and even my latest blood results which looked at all my organ functions, have now come back normal which is very encouraging. I’m also trying more holistic therapies for cancer in my journey.

Monthly treatment at the Marsden with a big fat injection

Great news!

The best news is that my liver tumours have shrunk by 50%, no movement on my big pancreatic tumour yet, but that will definitely be next on my hit list. One thing’s for sure is that a very positive attitude to life and living and expecting only good to come of things has elevated my mood and is turning me into a different person actually, or the old, more carefree person I used to be! Neuroendocrine tumours are slow growing and therefore slow to turn around, I’m told, but I don’t have all the time in the world.

New discovery – Total Body Health Clinic

Recently I’ve had the good fortune to be introduced to an independently run health clinic called Total Body Health Clinic in Wimbledon Village and owners Tony and Anoma have been administering the three holistic treatments for cancer I’ve been recommended. I want to expand on these as some are not very mainstream yet, but are causing a stir in the alternative health field and certainly give me a fantastic sense of energy and well-being every time I leave the clinic after one or more of these treatments. To me it is very important to support my allopathic hospital treatment with other holistic therapies. My oncologist said that I’m doing well and keep doing what I’m doing, which puts me in a difficult spot because I don’t really know exactly what’s helping me the most and so I can’t stop any of it! One thing’s for sure – a very positive attitude to life and living and expecting only good to come of things, as I said, has elevated my mood and changing my perspective on life.

Hyperbaric chamber for Oxygen Therapy with Tony and Anoma supervising

Holistic therapies for cancer: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

This is becoming increasingly popular as the go-to treatment to improve health, fitness, treat chronic illness symptoms, and heal injuries with everyone from sports professionals such as Chelsea rising football star Kim Kirby to Kendall Jenner and Kim Kardashian, Tony tells me. Tony Robbins’ new book ‘Life Force’ describes HBOT as ‘a powerful epigenetic treatment whose time has arrived’ and credited with facilitating his record-breaking superhuman performance. The treatment involves breathing oxygen through a mask under pressure in a specially designed Hyperbaric Oxygen individual chamber. It’s very cosy and relaxing and I usually do stuff on my laptop or listen to podcasts when I in there. It works by causing oxygen to diffuse more readily into blood plasma, creating the perfect environment for the body to heal itself by promoting the formation of new blood vessels and even new stem cells. HBOT apparently helps the body fix and repair damaged tissue whilst reducing pain and fatigue with a scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. I’m expecting it to be helping my immunity to fight the cancer off.

Red Light Therapy - RLT LED
Red Light Therapy bed with Tony Brown

Holistic therapies for cancer: Red Light Therapy (RLT

This is very straight forward and lasts 20 minutes. I climb into a special bed – like a sun tanning bed, that emits low levels of red light. Discovered in the early 1990s by scientists who used it to promote plant cell growth and photosynthesis in space, Red Light Therapy has evolved as an application in holistic medicine. It works by producing a biochemical effect in the cell which strengthens mitochondria – the powerhouse of every cell in our bodies. By increasing the function of the mitochondria, the cell can make more ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), with more energy cells function more effectively, rejuvenate themselves, and repair damage. In addition to helping fatigue and healing wounds and injuries, RLT can also treat inflammation, relieve pain from chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Long Covid, ME/Fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain and also helps treat skin conditions such as psoriasis in addition to treating sun damaged skin and ageing. I expect to look 25 every time I jump out of the light-bed!

Bioresonance Treatment room at Total Body Health Clinic

Holistic therapies for cancer: Bioresonance Therapy 

This is Tony’s pet subject. It has been used by holistic practitioners since the 1970s and is a gentle and non-invasive therapy based on the idea that unhealthy cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage, therefore one of my chosen holistic therapies for cancer. Bioresonance uses electromagnetic waves to help fight disease and troublesome health issues by sending gentle impulses to manipulate energetic frequencies which allow cells to vibrate at their optimum level of health and promote healing. Conditions that can benefit from Bioresonance treatment are numerous, he tells me, and include treatment of post-viral fatigue, bacterial infection, toxic metal detoxification, parasite infections, allergies, and addictions such as smoking. Bioresonance can also aid in pain relief from inflammatory conditions such as rheumatism and arthritis and various sporting injuries. It does take a couple of hours and just old fashioned reading materials like ‘books’ and magazines allowed so there is no interference with the electronics. I usually take a snooze…

Between all of these amazing new therapies, I know I’m in good hands and doing the best for my body. So I’m on the right track staying alive and living longer than I’ve been given is my ultimate aim!

For the whole journey from the beginning you may like to read Karine’s story


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