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Let’s get started with five simple fitness tips for a healthier new year. We want to ensure you have someone who will share the best evidence-based approach towards a healthier new year, and this is where international fitness guru Joanne Groves can help.

Read on and discover how to claim your gift of a session with Joanne.

Joanne Groves – who am I?

Happy New Year “Darling” readers. We know that there is a lot of conflicting fitness advice at this time of year, and it can be difficult to know who to trust. I’m here to help!

A bit about me first – I’m a proud mum of two teenagers; wife to a supportive husband; educator; author; and celebrity personal trainer; but there is more to me than that. I started performing stand-up comedy and improvisation to help me improve my skills as an international fitness presenter and I love a good TikTok (#over40). After 17 years in the fitness industry, I suffered an injury to my left knee whilst competing with myself for a marathon PB. This took away everything I loved – my hobby, the love for my job, and made me a miserable mum.

Faced with the prospect of surgery for a meniscus tear, I sought the advice of trainers and physios, but nothing they suggested seemed to work. After becoming good at lifting heavy weights, my core was stronger than ever and I became extremely flexible but running was still painful. I was gutted and thought the knife was the only option. 

At that point a company called “Faster” advised me to question the research myself, but this scared me to death! Fast forward lots of hard work and giving up my favourite box sets, (no Netflix back then) the Faster process had taught me to question everything! This really motivated me to do all I can to change the industry and ensure my students and personal training clients get the best information they deserve. Also, by changing the way I moved, I was able to reduce my pain, cancel my operation, and get back to enjoying what I love, pain free. 

joanne groves fitness 2021
Joanne’s work takes her to places like LA and Hong Kong

Now, as a feisty peri-menopausal woman, when I see influencers selling detox packages to take your money my stroppy side kicks in, or when fitness trainers lie and say that you will get a six pack from doing stomach crunches (sorry that’s not true!). Whether you are one of my celebrity clients, my athletes, or want to join a Zoom class to bring some fun and movement into your life, you all deserve the very best from me and the students I train. Many of you will still have some days where you just need a little nudge in the right direction to move more or make that healthier food choice. We don’t all have chefs to help prep our food, a personal trainer on tap or the pressure of being photographed as we dash to the shops! But I’m here to help you be brave with movement.  

At the end of this article you will have a short workout plan ready to start using straight away.  

Tools to remove your fitness barriers

As your fitness guru, I am excited to support and share simple strategies that will enable you to make healthier choices and move in a way that reduces fear whilst being effective. Over the coming months, I will be giving you tools you need to overcome any barriers to moving and help you achieve your goals. I’ll be giving you advice on how to start or improve your running and also answering your health and wellness questions. 

Overcome barriers to moving and just get started!

Let’s get started with 5 simple tips to help you step into a healthier 2022.  

1. Every time you get a Nespresso, squat while the machine is growling.  

2. During the day, set an alarm every 35 mins to prompt you into going up and down the stairs and look out of a window. 

3. Ensure you have water with a slice of lemon or cucumber at your side (or herbal tea) and drink regularly through the day. 

4. Have raw vegetable snacks in the fridge, ready to nibble. 

5. At lunch time, walk with a friend/partner, or have a social call (use your headset) while you get outside for a walk, talk or run.  

For those that would like to start or improve your running, look out for my next blog, but for now if you are new, start gently and gradually build up. Walk for 5 minutes to warm up, then play the run/ walk lamppost game. Run to the next lamppost and then walk to the next two and repeat. Build this up from 5-10 mins. If you have a smart watch record your distance over each week and watch the numbers grow!

If you would like to ask me a question or need any specific help reaching your health and wellness objectives email jo@joannegroves.com 

N.B If you have any unexplained pain or an injury see your Doctor first. 

You can do this work out once or twice a day to your favourite music on Spotify. If you have small children, play it loud and include them!

My core body workout

This core body workout will use all your muscles around your tummy and waist (the core) and legs. My aim is to get you up and out of your “Zoom” position and help you feel taller, stronger and to lift your mood. For those looking to “fat burn”, sadly the body does not burn fat from specific areas, despite what anyone claims (I will cover this in another blog). All is not lost. The more we move the muscles around the spine (in as many different ways as possible) the better we will feel in our jeans. If you stand tall your tummy will also look smaller. If you would like to reduce body fat you will also need to look at your diet.  

Do each exercise for 30-45 seconds and then move on to the next one. For those who love a little high energy intensity I have added a bonus round, but this is not essential. 

The warm up

Warm Up – Squat and reach arms out in front for 30 seconds until you feel your squat becoming more comfortable and consistent. Then right down out of 10 how good you think your squat is. Be kind, it’s your squat. If my squat was not comfortable, I would give myself a low number, the more comfortable it feels going down and up, the higher the number would be (this tool teaches you to start to learn how to find and feel your best movement).  

Exercise 1

Lunge backwards with overhead tea towel reach.  

Pick up your tea towel, and stretch it taught over your head whilst standing tall 

Step right leg back and drop in height to where you are comfortable while you reach both arms up above you head, feeling the stretch in your tummy. Return and repeat with left leg. Continue for 45 seconds.  

Exercise 2

The Side Lunge with side overhead tea towel reach  

From standing tall, step your right leg out to the right side while reaching your arms above your head and leaning to the left. Going a little further as you feel comfortable, feeling the stretch at the sides of your tummy (the waist). Repeat each side – continue for 45 secs.

Exercise 3

The Rotation lunge with the tea towel following the direction of your step at waist height, feeling all the muscles around your tummy and bottom.  

Exercise 4

Roll the body down to the floor and walk the hands forwards into a press up position. (Options from your knees or toes- or my mum does these standing but leaning up against the wall). See how many press ups you can do in 30 secs (write this down as you will come back to this in four weeks’ time!)

Exercise 5

Plank (from knees or toes) with hands under shoulders, reach right hand as far as possible out in front and tap the floor, return and repeat left. Continue for 45 seconds. Track 1 done.  

Bonus Party dance freestyle or 30 secs Burpees 

Repeat Exercise 1 with tea towel but this time hold right hand at the top of tea towel (at right shoulder height) left hand at left hip. When you step back right and left, the tea towel travels up over right shoulder and down to left hip as you step back. 

Repeat Exercise 2 with tea towel, but this time hold right hand at the top of the tea towel (at right shoulder height), left hand at left hip. When you step side right and left, the tea towel still travels up over right shoulder and down to left hip as you step back.

Repeat Exercise 3 with tea towel but this time hold right hand at the top of tea towel (at right shoulder height) left hand at left hip. When you step and rotate around right and left, the tea towel still travels up over right shoulder and down to left hip as you step back. 

Repeat Exercise 4 roll down to press up position from knees or toes.  

Repeat Exercise 5 Plank but this time from hands parallel to shoulders then reach and tap the right hand to the side and tap the floor return and repeat left. Continue for 45 secs second track done. 

Bonus Party dance freestyle or Skater.  

Repeat Exercise 1 with tea towel but this time hold left hand at the top of tea towel (at left shoulder height) right hand at right hip. When you step back right and left, the tea towel travels up over left shoulder and down to left hip as you step back. 

Repeat Exercise 2 with tea towel but this time hold left hand at the top of tea towel (at left shoulder height) right hand at right hip. When you step side right and left, the tea towel still travels up over left shoulder and down to right hip as you step back.

Repeat Exercise 3 with tea towel but this time hold left hand at the top of tea towel (at left shoulder height) right hand at right hip. When you step and rotate around right and left, the tea towel still travels up over left shoulder and down to right hip as you step back. 

Repeat exercise 4 roll down and onto knees or toes to press ups this time with added option or taking right wide and press then back and left hand wide and press. 

Repeat exercise 5 but this time from plank position tap right hand round the side to the floor under your hip. Then back and repeat for 45 secs.

Last Bonus Party Dance Freestyle or burpees  

Now do 10 of your best squats and write down how it now feels 1 out of 10.  

Joanne in action on the Southbank

Experience how good movement can make you feel, regardless of your fitness level. I will be there to guide you each and every step of the way.

Now to the gift part – to book in for your free taster class on Zoom email Joanne including DARLING CLASS in the subject line.



Insta: @joannegr0ves

You may also enjoy reading https://darlingmagazine.co.uk/wellness/fitness-main/locked-down-at-home-exercise-that-boosts-your-mood/

And if you want to look good whilst joining Joanne on those morning Zoom classes check out this https://darlingmagazine.co.uk/fashion/5-1-ways-to-upgrade-your-activewear-style/

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