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Know your body and make it your friend. Vanessa Conway has made this her life’s work and is helping others to regain their strenght both physically and mentally.

Movement was always a big part of Vanessa’s life. She danced to shake off the words of her bullies, used her fists to defend the ones who couldn’t. She felt the pressure to be stronger, tougher, performant, productive during so long until her body refused to keep going. 

A simple hole turned around her life upside down. A clack in her hips and a whole year of study in the bin and moving became the enemy… or so she thought. It could have been the end of her career but she chose to be on the bench and to observe what was happening around her. To observe her colleagues getting stronger, getting experience but more specifically observing their bodies; how they move, correct and support themselves. She observed everybody around her. 

Just by observing she could detect what was wrong in the movement, in the mechanics of the body. It meant a shift in her way of teaching. She could help, guide people in pain to understand how their body was doing, why and how to correct it.

Teaching classes became frustrating. There were not enough time and space for her to help. She had to step into something really scary for her: creating her own business as a personal trainer. She could at last break from rigid protocols to adapt the movement to real persons. It was liberating. 

A c-section throw her off balance 

She thought she had the hang of it, that she was at the top of her mountain until her body showed her wrong. When she had to go through a c-section for her first born, she (like she always did) prepared for it like a sport performance by getting her mindset clear and supportive, planning the recovery, reading or watching everything she could on c-section and trying to control what would happen. She was far from knowing how her body would react. Because it did react. React so strongly that it put pressure on her future with her husband and her family. Because her body felt like raped. Raped off its power. 

It took a while (years) to feel comfortable again in her own skin. It required different tools than what she had used before. Her body saying no to intense workouts or any protocol she knew. She had to start all over again. She had to unlearn things, let go of stories or beliefs that didn’t serve her anymore. 

She realised how much we chose to ignore or control the body’s voice: the emotions. She found out what the body is in our experience: a catalyst of our truest identity and purpose on earth. 

Personal training was not sounding right for her anymore. To truly live on our own terms, we need to include our physical body as a partner not a tool. To achieve that, we need to become friend (even best friend) with our body. That’s how Vanessa became a Body Whisperer. 

Life brought her the challenges needed to unfold her true purpose: helping women to transform their relationship with their bodies and guide them to show their own light into the world. 

If you need any help with your body, feel free to contact Vanessa for a discovery call. Or jump on her four week program “Own your body” to reset your relationship with your body and make it your best ally. 

You can get in touch with Vanessa Conway, Body Whisperer at


Follow her on Instagram at


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