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We know that grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss. Any loss, whether due to death, divorce, the ending of a relationship, loss of trust or even redundancy, can cause feelings of grief and despair as we think about our unfulfilled hopes, dreams and expectations. Those memories and feelings can often seem overwhelming and the future frightening and bleak.

Contrary to popular wisdom, time does not heal emotional wounds. Regardless of when your loss occurred, it is important to know that recovery is possible and that there are actions which can be taken to heal your heart and make you feel whole again. 

As a society we are notoriously bad at dealing with grief.  We are told that ‘time heals’, ‘to be strong’, ‘keep busy’, ‘don’t feel sad’. But it is normal to feel sad, fearful, disoriented, confused or even angry when we have suffered a significant loss or an unexpected change in our lives.  Although sadness is normal and natural pain does not need to be. It is possible to live more fully in the present when what was painful about the past is completed. 

The Grief Recovery Method is a powerful, dynamic, sensible and accessible programme that is genuinely for anyone willing to take the necessary actions to help themselves. As a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, I will guide you through this effective evidence based 7 week  course. At the end you will feel better and more able to re-engage with life. It will help you to let go of the pain, heal your heart and feel truly alive once more. 

Recovery means that we can look back and once again recall our happy memories without feeling a knife twist in our hearts. 

If you would like to know more about the Grief Recovery Method please contact me:

Maureen Mc Loughlin on 07808 401797

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