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This clever little pack has been put together by experience gathered from packpacking adventures. It includes 60 essential travel items making it the best companion for any adventurer, including gap year backpackers. 

£24.99 – £69.99

Included in the pack

Padlock – to keep your valuables safe and to deter opportunistic thieves. Also required for many hostel lockers.

Aluminium Torch – always useful to have, and a necessity if intending hiking/camping. Power outages are also surprisingly common in lots of countries.

Pen Knife Card – incredibly useful item with 18 different features, including bottle openers, can openers, screwdriver and much more.

Waterproof Poncho fro protect yourself and your backpack from any unexpected downpours.

Emergency Foil Blanket. Even the simplest of trips can go awry, in which having a foil blanket could just save your life.

Sun Block Stick stops you getting completely burnt and looking like a foolish tourist when you have forgotten your sun cream.

Ear Plugs to block out snoring and all other noises from loud hostels, trains and buses.

Eye Mask Helps you catch up on sleep wherever you are and whatever the time of day.

Hand Sanitizer Gel. A basic level of hygiene is very difficult to keep on top of whilst travelling and will help prevent “Traveller’s Tummy.”

Insect Repellent Wipes Deters mosquitoes wherever applied (not just your face!) 

Toilet paper is a surprisingly (and worryingly) rare commodity in a lot of countries, and it is not a nice feeling getting ‘caught out.’

Pen – always useful when technology inevitably lets you down.

Emergency Phone Numbers for all 195 Countries Important to have access to the emergency services telephone number in the country you are travelling in, in case it is ever needed.

Spare Pocket – different people require different personal items for travelling. For instance, there is room for an inhaler, paracetamol and in my case tea bags (very essential). Savvy’s Secret Pocket Keep hidden a: copy of your passport, copy of your insurance and some emergency US dollars.

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