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If you are looking for a job and you are having little or no success when it comes to getting interviews or job offers, HOW TO GET THAT JOB! is the no-nonsense guide to help you on your journey towards job success.

Most people think that once an interview has been secured, getting the job will be easy. However, small mistakes made by candidates leading up to or during an interview can range from bad or inappropriate dress to being late.

Everything has changed and the days of making very little effort and simply walking into a dream job (or any job, for that matter) are over. Now it is all about being well-prepared whether you are at junior or senior level.

HOW TO GET THAT JOB! was written because during my time interviewing candidates for companies, I noticed that the same problems with lack of interview preparation would occur time and time again. When you are the ‘middle person’ it is very easy to observe the mistakes, candidates make. Then the disappointment and the upset would follow which affects the levels of confidence in most candidates. You need to feel upbeat and confident when looking for a job, whatever your level.

Lots of people of all levels have been made redundant thanks to the pandemic, so applying for jobs now is more challenging than ever. It’s also important that you’re doing everything you can to get some training under your belt so that you can ace a leadership assessment test if given one during an interview.

HOW TO GET THAT JOB! gives much-needed support to anyone who is searching for work.

How to Get That Job! Your Guide to Job Success-darlingmagazine-uk

The dos and don’ts explained

You might be a recent college leaver, school leaver or fresh graduate who is moping around the house not knowing the best way to start your job hunt. Or you may have been made redundant after working for the same retail organisation for many years and be nervous about facing the challenges of getting a new job. You could be newly divorced and be facing the prospect of having to get a job.

Lots of people of all levels have been made redundant thanks to the pandemic, so applying for jobs now is more challenging than ever.

HOW TO GET THAT JOB! can be of help to you, whatever your situation. The book may not have all the answers, and you may still choose to do things your way. However, when it comes to applying for a job, nothing is guaranteed, so the best thing to do is take all advice that is on offer to give you a much better chance, especially in the current unpredictable job market.

HOW TO GET THAT JOB! is a simply written, easy to follow book. Its aim is to make the whole job hunting experience less stressful and easier to manage. How To Get That Job! provides guidelines on a variety of topics that include:

  • CV content and layout
  • CV examples 
  • Marketing yourself
  • Personal presentation
  • Interview preparation
  • Tips for face-to-face interviews
  • Tips for video interviews
  • How to stay calm before and during an interview and guidance on effective interview communication is also covered

Securing a job can be extremely challenging, especially in the present climate. With so many people looking for work it is essential to do all you can to be well prepared, so you stand a better chance of getting the job you are applying for. 

Why get the opportunity of an interview only to give a job that could have been yours to someone else who is better prepared? It really is simply a matter of following the basic guidelines to avoid getting job rejection after job rejection.

People looking for work can sometimes take what is essentially constructive criticism about things such as presentation or CV layout to heart. If you are looking for a job, there is no point being precious about feedback and taking the slightest suggestion or criticism personally. The world of work can be a tough place, so if you plan to join it, you’ll stand a better chance of doing so if you take any guidance that is on offer.

Plan what you are going to wear days in advance. You’ll be surprised how many people do not do this.

How to Get That Job! Your Guide to Job Success-darlingmagazine-uk

An example of what to avoid doing

If you know that white shirt you want to wear for your interview has a stain on it, don’t take the risk of trying to remove the stain by soaking the shirt a day before your interview; the shirt may shrink, the stain may not come out and when you realise all of this by the time you get to the shop to buy a new one it will be closed. So, to lessen the stress just go and buy a new shirt a few days before your interview. The money spent on a night out will be far more than the cost of a crisp new white shirt.

When it comes to waiting to hear the outcome of a job interview, we all want to hear the words “We would like to offer you the job”. Who wants to get a job rejection! By being totally prepared, you’ll stand a much better chance of getting the news about your interview that you will want to hear.

You may want to work for a large international company or small start-up. You may have your heart set on working within hospitality/entertainment, retail, or something creative. Or your dream may be to work for a celebrity or academic. You may wish to go the professional route within law, accountancy, banking, property, engineering, or something medical. Or you may choose to apply for a job within the public sector or go the childcare route. Whatever your choice, you will need to be ready to deal with every hurdle along the job hunting pathway.

So, whether you are fresh out of school, a recent graduate, a senior manager, or someone with several years’ experience returning to work, HOW TO GET THAT JOB! will provide you with helpful and practical advice during the various stages of your job search.


HOW TO GET THAT JOB! is available to buy from, Amazon and all good bookshops. 

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