Travelling with a horse is like a delicate ballet. It is a harmonious blend of moving parts that require attention to detail. Like a ballet, every detail needs to define the movement and one misstep can upset the harmony.
The key to all this is a good and strong horse box like what Equijump offers. Here are five ways to travel with your four-legged friends and keep them comfortable, calm and collected during the ride.

1. Choose the Right Horse Box
Not all horseboxes are made equal. Choose only reliable and well-built horseboxes that can guarantee the safety and comfort of your horse. Luckily, Equijump’s horseboxes possess all three qualities: safety, comfort and style. Don’t settle for less, since poor design may lead to stress or injury on the horse’s part. Choose a model that has anti-slip flooring, proper ventilation and enough space for the animal to stretch out its legs. The seats should be plush and comfortable to ensure a smooth ride.
2. Keep It Light and Breezy
Just as you can be cooped up in small, warm compartments, horses feel the same way. Provide proper ventilation for when you start travelling with your horse. Make sure the horsebox has windows and remove obstructions before driving. If you are travelling in warm weather, use lightweight covers. Heavy blankets and bandages can make horses too warm and uncomfortable, stressing them further.
Pro-tip: When you are having a little breather, park your vehicle in the shade and open the windows a bit. This will be enough to give your animal a little breath of fresh air during long travels.
3. Prepare for Smooth Sailing
Check the entire horsebox before leaving by looking for any indications that might spell out worrisome situations. Ensure the tyres of the vehicle are filled to the correct levels and that hatches, or doors and partitions, are well-secured. The way you drive also adds to your horse’s comfort during the trip.
Drive gently and avoid abrupt stops and starts. Using the brakes abruptly can lead to some delirious bouncing inside the horsebox. Make sure you maintain a steady speed to avoid causing whiplash to your cargo. Your horse will thank you for it.
4. Feed Comfort, Not Anxiety
Some horses may get nervous at the idea of travelling. Before you leave, feed your horses with a lightweight meal two hours prior to travelling. This way, you will not expect surprises later on. Avoid feeding bulky meals just before travelling as the trip may make them uncomfortable.
Bring along some hay in a hay bag (your horse will be more than happy to munch on this) to alleviate some of the nervousness. Plus, horses secrete stomach acid every 20 minutes, so it is better to feed them lighter meals throughout the trip. The fiber from the hay can cushion the stomach lining. It also soothes them during the ride. However, feed sparingly, as overeating can also irritate the stomach.
5. Keep It Familiar
Travelling can be stressful for animals such as the horse. It may feel as though they are out of their element. You can easily make them feel at home by bringing along anything from home. Bring your horse’s favourite blanket, headcollar, bridle or toy. If you are lucky, your horse will barely even notice you are travelling.
If it isn’t used to travelling, allow it to take some time to relax and let your horse explore their surroundings before you pack your bags and hit the road. You could try rewarding your horse with a treat or giving lots of praise. Remember, the goal is to make their experience as enjoyable as possible.
Why Equijump Stands Out
Equijump’s collection of horse boxes has your horse’s happiness in mind. Features, such as spacious interiors, easy-to-use loading ramp and technologically-advanced suspension systems, are designed to make every journey the best it can be. Whether you are transporting your horse to a rural show or city centre stable, all horse boxes offer elegance and efficiency.
Make It a Bonding Experience
Travelling can actually be a chance to bond with your horse. Look out for signs that something isn’t quite right and remain calm if you sense them getting agitated. When you arrive at your chosen destination, try to coax your horse off the conveyance with a treat or let them enjoy a bit of a trot in a secure makeshift paddock. It’s the small gestures that count.
A happy journey isn’t just about having a smooth trip; it is about curating an environment in which your happy horse will be safe and secure for the day. With the right horse box and air flow, you will always be good to go.
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