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Thinning hair is a worry for men and women. As humans we are quite conscious of how we look and feel. These are our top tips for maintaining thicker hair for longer with a great offer below

  1. Take the heat off. Hairdryers are the biggest culprit here. Repeated strong heat to the scalp weakens the hair follicles and causes them to shrink and eventually disappear. Turn the heat down or keep the hot air away from the scalp. Straightening irons and curlers are usually ok, as long as you keep the heat is away from the scalp.
  2. The ‘Croydon Facelift’. Tying the hair back as hard as you can for the sleek skin-tight ponytail creates stress on the hair follicles especially at the front of the head also known as traction alopecia. This leads to recession of the hairline and a bigger forehead and very thin hair around the temples.
  3. Eat well. There are many conflicting ideas of what constitutes a good diet but there are certain foods that help provide you with the correct nutrients for stronger hair follicles. Biotin is the magic vitamin here and is found in animal liver, egg yolk, salmon, pecans, almonds, cauliflower and sweet potato. Something there, no matter which healthy diet you follow. Or, like me, you can supplement yourself with daily Biotin Boost tablets. One of these has the Biotin equivalent of over 500 cup fulls of sweet potato.
  4. Talk about it. Come and talk to us in our comfortable rooms at the beautiful Lulu Blonde Hair Salon in Wimbledon Village. We can look at your scalp and advise you on the best next course of action. We are experts in Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) hair recovery, mesotherapy and microneedling treatments.

What else does Wimblederm do?

  1. Skin PRP. Not only experts are we experts in PRP hair recovery, but we also use PRP for the skin for anti-ageing. PRP is particularly useful should you not want to have toxin-based wrinkle injections or fillers and have something that is wholly natural and specific to you. We can add vitamins and hyaluronic acid to your PRP for amazing results even on very tired and wrinkled skin. We treat the whole face, neck and even decollate, not just small ‘areas’ to achieve complete rejuvenation. Your skin is plumped out, wrinkles reduced and very importantly, your skin tone and texture is revitalised. We have probably the most advanced method of the ‘vampire facial’ available, bar none.
  1. Microneedling. We use a Dermapen with between 12 and 48 needles depending on the condition being treated. Microneedling breaks down existing old and weak collagen forcing the body to drastically replace it with new thicker and fresher collagen. Skin tone improves too. We add a serum on the skin to further promote the rejuvenation. This also works to soften any scarring and stretch marks on the skin. We treat acne scars, pock marks, burns and post pregnancy stretch marks this way.
  1. Mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is the method that we apply PRP and vitamins to the skin. If you find using your own blood a little scary, we can just use vitamins to improve your skin. It takes a little longer and more sessions are required but our continental customers do love the mesotherapy.
  1. Skin Peels. Skin peels have gained a bad reputation for excessive damage to the skin. We use a much gentler method using products from the prestige medical skincare brand AlumierMd. The skin peels do not have an aggressive peeling action that takes weeks to heal but instead achieves excellent results with little or no recovery time. Skin is nourished and starts to feel soft and smooth. Our skin peels are a lovely way to get your skin in the winter months ready for spring.
  1. Advanced electrolysis. Bhavash is trained and experienced in advanced electrolysis and uses his trusted Sterex machine to instantly remove your facial red veins, skin tags, milia and sebaceous spots on the skin.



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