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Straight Teeth are Healthy Teeth

Fast, effective and virtually invisible straightening solutions at Dental Rooms in Wimbledon Village

Braces are not just for teenagers. More and more adults are biting the bullet and taking control of the health and appearance of their teeth. Perhaps they missed the boat with NHS braces in their teens, or else they did have braces but were neglectful with their retainer.

Am I too old for braces?

It is a common misconception that age is a barrier for what is often a simple, effective and lasting solution to improving both your appearance and your oral health. The demand for adult orthodontics has dramatically increased, particularly since the advent of more aesthetically pleasing, even virtually invisible, appliances. As long as your gums and teeth are healthy there are NO real age limits to orthodontic treatment.

Straight teeth are healthy teeth

We feel that everyone needs to be aware that straightening your teeth is not just about looks . Straighter teeth are healthier teeth . Invisalign is an extremely effective, yet non-invasive way of achieving straighter teeth, a properly aligned bite and an improved smile.

Having Invisalign treatment also means:

  • Tooth wear is reduced due to an improved bite
  • Reduced susceptibility to decay with fewer gaps for food and plaque to get trapped in
  • Facilitation of restorative treatment i.e. implant, veneers, crown and bridge work
  • A brighter smile – crowded and gappy teeth are corrected, making it easy to clean teeth well and reduce or eliminate staining

We offer several teeth straightening options at Dental Rooms and Invisalign is a very popular option. In simplest terms, this is because Invisalign uses a series of virtually invisible, removable and comfortable aligners to give you a beautiful set of straight teeth.

Orthodontist and Practice Partner, Angela Auluck is an Invisalign platinum provider – one of the more experienced providers in the UK. She will use state of-the-art 3D scanning and computer-imaging technology to plan treatment and create a series of completely bespoke aligners, just for you.

Call to reserve an appointment on 020 8946 2426 and quote “DM0919”

Dental Rooms, 1 Ridgway, SW19 4RS

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