Take “a helicopter view” of your dispute says Clive Douglas, LLB MBA, a Civil & Commercial Mediator
He is known for his empathy, patience, expert legal advice, and good listening skills and is a trusted professional both locally and internationally. Clive has over 35 years’ experience as a law solicitor in Wimbledon, South West London, initially specialising in town planning and property law and subsequently in commercial law working in the pharmaceuticals and telecoms sectors.

When it comes to the key benefits of mediation Clive says: “Mediation is an inexpensive, structured but also flexible process managed by a mutually agreed upon neutral mediator, who facilitates discussion and negotiation in order to help the parties reach a sensible and practical settlement arrangement quickly.”
80-90% of mediations result in settlement on the day or shortly after. The basic costs of a mediation are usually just a few hundred pounds if, as is often the case, the mediation only lasts for a half-day or full day. Travel and venue hire costs can also be saved by telephone and online video conference mediations, “although these are not suitable for all disputes,” adds Clive.
He continues, “Disputes where distrust or emotion has developed between the parties are particularly suited to mediation. Mediators are well trained to diffuse emotion, feelings of distrust and other matters to enable the parties to see their way to a realistic settlement.” A significant part in this is Clive’s approach: “I invite parties to take a ‘helicopter view’ of a situation and the issues involved in order to help them find practical and constructive solutions to disputes.”
All discussions and negotiations during the course of a mediation are confidential and without prejudice. If the parties cannot reach a mutually acceptable resolution, they remain free to pursue the dispute through the courts or other process in the knowledge that any information exchanged or offers and concessions made during the mediation cannot be used or referred to in subsequent proceedings, subject to certain limited exceptions.
Finding a mediation law specialist during the coronavirus pandemic has been tricky for many. Covid-19 has proved a difficult time for all of us, and mediators and family solicitors alike have seen a spike in inquiries during lockdown, from Will updates to continuing divorce cases. Many family lawyers accredited by the Law Society currently offer a range of legal services, including mediation, but some clients will opt for specialists like Clive to resolve their issues.
Although Clive’s fees are not fixed, they are discussed and agreed upon with parties before the mediation process commences. Get in touch with Clive for a free preliminary conversation, for more details about his mediation process, or to find out more about his experience and expertise.