Have you been loving your tracky bottoms and slouchy jumpers a little too much during these last few months? Maybe you’ve forgotten some of what you already have in your wardrobe? Spring is here and we are seeing more daylight and warmer days. Like us you may be worrying about how you’re going to get used to going out and about again? Darling spoke to stylist Alison Brown from Aeracura Image and as a personal image consultant, colour consultant and wardrobe stylist she has some great tips on rediscovering your style post lockdown.
Let’s start!
What I’m Hearing…
“What on earth am I going to wear?
”I’ve spoken to a number of women recently who have told me that during the last few months they have lost their confidence in how they look and what to wear.
I hear this…
“I’ve lost my mojo”
“I feel like I’ve lost my sass”
“I open my wardrobe and don’t know where to start”
So what’s the solution?

For me, it all starts with colour. Colour psychology teaches us, that colour really does affect your mood, your health and your interactions with others.
When deciding what’s best for you as an individual, you can really tune in to how you feel when you look at a colour. You can learn what your body needs to feel balanced and fabulous on that day or occasion.
Examples of what colours mean:
- Blue for clarity
- Green for balance
- Pink helps you feel nurtured and loving towards others and yourself
- Yellow is uplifting
- Brown for feeling grounded
- Orange is joyful
- Purple for mindfulness
What’s your favourite?
To really resonate with colours that serve you. Start with your favourite.
If you are happy to play along grab a pen and paper and write down the answers to the following questions.
What is your favourite colour – really think about this. Maybe it’s changed?
How does it make you feel when you see it or wear it? How much of it do you currently have in your wardrobe?
If you haven’t thought about this for a while your answers may surprise you.

Once you have done some thinking around your colours, it’s time to ‘go shopping in your wardrobe’.
My 4 Step System
Follow my system and I can guarantee there will be plenty to take you happily into spring. Even without going shopping.
Step 1. LOOK…
Systematically open every place you keep your clothes. Wardrobe, drawers, under the bed etc.
Remind yourself what you have. Just browse! Like you would if you were having a leisurely wander through your favourite shop.
Step 2. DEFINE…
Decide which area to work on first. One section at a time. Take everything out and lay it on your bed.
Sort into 3 piles.
1. Your definites. These are items that are:
The right colour
The right fit
You really like them.
2. Is for definitely nots.
Why on earth have I kept that?
I’m never going to wear that again!
These items must NOT go back in – unless they are a bit too tight and you are planning a fitness regime right now! Otherwise they go in a bin liner or box for giving away.
3. Your final pile is for possibilities.
Step 3. TRY ON…
Take each item from your possibilities pile and try it on.
Give yourself some time, a full-length mirror and good lighting grab a lamp from another room or choose a bright day.
Keep your ‘definates’ in mind or visible. This way you will be able to spot pairings and combinations you perhaps hadn’t thought of.
Enjoy finding different combinations and ways of wearing things. This gives you so much more value from what you have. Confidence and fun in knowing that whatever you choose it’s right for YOU!
Each of the items you try on becomes either a definite or a definitely not.
Once you have identified what works, decide how you want to categorise and how you are going to put them back.
You might want to put together by similar items such as all trousers, tops and skirts. This is a good general system. However, if you have been feeling really lost about what to wear, I suggest putting your newly discovered outfits together so that you can quickly see what works each day.
Remember, you don’t have to do this all in one go, you can take it in small steps.
Top Tip – a private Pinterest board
You may want to make notes or take photos of things you really like and create a private Pinterest board. Add the outfits you like then collect images of things you might want to add. From a shop or online. You can then play with the images to create more outfits.
Once you have worked through everything, you can use the same system for shoes, handbags and jewellery.
See how you can transform an outfit with a colourful scarf or an eye-catching necklace.
Finally, do some comfort practice. Wear some different outfits for a few hours, just around the house and see how they feel. Most all, have FUN!

Need Help?
If you need me for anything – I would love you to: Sign up for my newsletter www.aeracuraimage.co.uk Join one of my monthly online workshops Book a Discovery Call Book an online Colour Confidence 1-1 Book an online Wardrobe Restyle 1-1
I help you find your perfect colours and restyle your wardrobe, easily and sustainably. Bringing out your inner confidence and unique style personality.
Alison Brown – 07956 311759, info@aeracuraimage.co.uk
In the wake of the global lockdown, many of us are looking to breathe new life into our wardrobes, seeking styles that resonate with our evolved lifestyles and renewed perspectives. Stylist Alison Brown emphasizes the importance of embracing change and using it as a catalyst for personal reinvention. She recommends starting with key pieces that can transform your everyday look, suggesting a visit to an online boutique known for its eclectic mix of modern and classic styles. In GotToShop, you can find womens dresses office-ready dresses to casual perfect for everyday or for weekend outings.
GotToShop offers a unique opportunity to explore a wide array of fashion choices without the need to step out of your house. This convenience is crucial in a time when many are still hesitant about frequenting crowded places. Alison points out that updating your wardrobe can be as simple as adding a few statement pieces that reflect your personality and fit your lifestyle. With detailed product descriptions and styling tips, GotToShop helps you make informed decisions, ensuring that each purchase elevates your style and confidence. Whether you’re looking to overhaul your wardrobe or just inject some freshness into it, GotToShop provides the resources and variety to make your post-lockdown style discovery enjoyable and fulfilling.
You may also enjoy reading some more fashion highlights for spring and summer here.