Seaspiracy looks at the global fishing industry, challenging notions of sustainable fishing and showing how human actions cause widespread environmental destruction.
British director Ali Tabrizi’s documentary Seaspiracy, shown on Netflix, investigates the harm that we humans do to marine species in our oceans around the world.
Already causing a stir with many of the large organisations he features in the film, which follows Tabrizi’s journey from Asia to Europe, initially to study debris and plastic pollutions in the oceans. His investigation becomes more about marine destruction and bad practices, however, as he discovers whales and dolphins killed when they are caught as a by-catch by fishing boats, illegal fishing, and human rights abuses in Thailand too.
Thank you Netflix for bringing these horrific facts to light
This documentary should be watched by every single person in the world. It’s going to upset the viewer. However, Seaspiracy has stirred criticism of its facts from many quarters, including environmental charities who said amongst other things, that Ali ignored the facts about climate change. The film has done a massive favour to our planet by opening up this conversation and pointing fingers to some of the biggest culprits.
It was also surprising to hear that discarded fishing nets count for 47% of plastic pollution in the seas. Plastic straws are under 1%! Makes you wonder what motivated the mass campaign to ban plastic straws, and not e.g plastic lids which use much more plastic than straws anyway and could be made of paper. We are so often misled and we can’t allow these cover-ups to continue without us challenging the decision makes.
We can’t turn a blind eye to the destruction of the oceans any longer. The negative impacts humans have on all living kind due to the greed of money, is absolutely heartbreaking.
A must watch!