September 14, 2021
Mental Health Awareness in Schools
Basic mental health awareness in schools brought by Shawmind's Headucation2025 programme. In 2016 Adam Shaw started Shawmind to achieve this vision; in 2017 the charity…

April 1, 2021
Online grooming – the next pandemic
As we start to shift tentatively out of lockdown, most of us are looking forward to putting down the screens, spending more time with our friends face-to-face, and enjoying…

February 17, 2021
Parkside School’s learning at home provision scores high marks
âThe nearest thing to Swallows and Amazons within throwing distance of the M25, Parkside has a generosity of spirit and an enjoyment of all that…

August 27, 2020
Tutoring for your kids in French, German or Italian
For help online with languages and catching up with missed classes, Helen Joseph is an experienced teacher for 13 years. Helen says: "Regardless of whether…