Thousands of fundraising events across the UK have been cancelled or postponed because of Covid-19, including our yearly campaign, Steps to Water, and the London Marathon next Sunday – 26 April.
To mark what would have been the London Marathon’s 40th anniversary, the organisers of the biggest mass-participation events in the UK have come together and created the 2.6 Challenge.
Here are a few charities we’ve like to bring to your attention.
1. Sign up with your chosen charity at
2. Set up your fundraising page or make your donation.
3. Do your 2.6 challenge. Whatever you do, and whoever you do it with, make sure you follow government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.
4. Share your challenge on social media using #TwoPointSixChallenge and tag your chosen charity.
5. Make a donation
There are lots of ways you, your family and friends can get involved in the 2.6 Challenge. And it can be anything you like – as long as it’s got the numbers 2 and 6 in it! Here are some ideas to get you started:
Ready Steady Go!
NSPCC challenges you to to one choose one of these ideas
26 mile relay, passing the baton virtually.
2.6km egg and spoon race.
Challenge 26 friends to join #TeamNSPCC.
Live stream 26 karaoke songs.
260 keepy-uppies.
Read 26 books in 26 days.
Complete 26 puzzles.
During the coronavirus pandemic, we’re working hard to ensure we’re still here for children. £10 could help make sure every child is listened to.

Childline provides lifeline to thousands of children during coronavirus lockdown and has carried out over 2,200 counselling session about coronavirus (COVID-19) since late January.
Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child.
Just a Drop
Is pleased to be able to share a brand new campaign that will support their essential work responding to the coronavirus pandemic across the world.
Right now, we are rallying together to support over 367,000 people in remote communities across the world but we can’t do it without your support.
Ask all your friends and family to sponsor you and challenge them to do their very own 2.6 Challenge. Here are a few ideas from them:
Walking 2.6 miles,
Have an online disco for 2.6 hours
Running 26 pub quizzes
Run up the stairs 26 times
Do something completely different such as learning to say ‘water’ in 26 languages!

Other ways to support Just A Drop Coronavirus Response
4 in 10 people globally live without access to basic hand washing facilities and these are the ones who will suffer the most at the hands of Coronavirus. Our mission, to deliver accessible, clean, safe water where it is needed most, has never been more relevant or more important.
In need of a lockdown haircut?
Have you skipped your usual trip to the barbers because of the lockdown? If so, we’re asking you to take on our #JustaHaircut Challenge and donate the cost of your usual haircut to our lifesaving work.
Find out how you can take part in the #JustaHaircut Campaign here
Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation
The independent living charity is asking people to follow their disabled residents lead and come up with their own challenge idea connected to 2.6 or 26. No need to be a marathon runner or an elite athlete,
Could you skip for 26 minutes non-stop?
Or cycle 2.6 miles with your family?
Or do 26 burpies 2.6 times over?

Residents at Surrey based disability charity, Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF) are leading the way with their commitment to taking on The 2.6 Challenge to raise vital funds for the charity that provides 24/7 care and support for them.
QEF Chief Executive, Karen Deacon says; “QEF has seen our voluntary income decline significantly – we lost £500k in the first week and look set for a £1million gap in funding as this crisis continues. We are doing everything we can, but we rely on fundraising for many of our services, so this crisis is also having a direct impact on the disabled people that rely on us. We need people to support QEF to ensure we can survive this pandemic. Everyone can get involved – my baby granddaughter whose only 10 weeks old is doing 26 smiles and I will be doing a series of two mile walks building up to six miles which is a real challenge for me.”
Ben and Diane, residents at QEF’s Independent Living Service, are challenging themselves to walk 26 steps – no mean feat when you are a power wheelchair user. Clients at QEF’s Neuro Rehabilitation Service, who are regaining key skills after an acquired brain injury, are going to take on a series of ‘26 first’ challenges, such as first time standing, first steps, first word spoken – all supported by expert therapists,nurses and care staff. QEF staff and Trustees are also committed to getting involved with The 2.6 Challenge and will each be taking on their own challenges.